Institut Teploelektroproyekt JSC Company profile

Design Institute

Today, Institut Teploelektroproyekt JSC is a modern fast-developing design bureau, developing comprehensive and complex designs for power generation and transmission facilities and infrastructure.

Information model

The Institute is a project-based enterprise, deploying modern design technologies.
For over 20 years, the Institute has been using across all of its projects comprehensive 3D information modelling solutions based on the AVEVA platform. Projects are developed from a diagram to the layout, while gradually refining the model. Only after the model is fully populated and checked for conflicts are project documents released.
For architectural and construction modelling, Allplan by Nemetschek is used.
The developed information model is used as an environment to implement all design approaches and is used as a base for the BIM model, mandated by many customers.

To carry out complex strength analysis of foundations with high vibration load (e.g., turbine foundations), the Institute uses FEMAP with NX Nastran by Siemens.
To model heat balance and materials balance of thermal power plants, Bolier Designer by OPTSIM-K is used.
Activity-based and resource planning are important for project management. The Institute used Oracle Primavera for these tasks.
In a project’s lifecycle, Institut Teploproyekt acts as the single developer of turnkey solutions, representing the customer throughout the construction project.

Выполнение внестадийных проектных работ

Схемы выдачи электрической мощности электростанции,
Схемы внешнего электроснабжения потребителей

  • Анализ существующего баланса мощности и электроэнергии;
  • Прогноз уровней потребления электроэнергии и мощности;
  • Характеристика действующей схемы;
  • Разработка вариантов СВМ или СВЭ;
  • Расчеты электроэнергетических режимов в ПК RastrWin-3;
  • Технико-экономическое сравнение вариантов;
  • Результаты расчетов токов к.з. в ПК «АРМ СРЗА»;
  • Расчеты статической устойчивости в электрической сети, прилегающей к электростанции или подстанции;
  • Динамической устойчивости генераторов электростанции;
  • Основные технические решения по оснащению электрической сети и электростанций оборудованием РЗ, АПВ, АВР, ПА, РА, связи, РАС, ОМП, АСДУ, АИИС КУЭ, СМПР, СОТИ АССО.